
Is the user name and password Case sensitive? Yes.

How do I reset my password? You must contact your department or to change or reset your password.

How do I add a patient?

  1. Log in
  2. Then click on "Manage Department Patients"
  3. In the text box called "New Patient:", type the name of the patient you wish to add
  4. Click on "Add"
  5. Click on "Back to the Record Notes"

How do I discharge a patient?

  1. Log in
  2. Then click on "Manage Department Patients"
  3. Click on "Discharge" next to the name of the patient you wish to discharge.
  4. Click on "Back to the Record Notes"

Can I copy/paste information in my notes? Yes, you may copy any information from another program and paste it in the text box area called "New Record Entry:"